Custom and Pre-made Digital Content

Logo vectorization for S'more Love

Sangeeta Bahadur | 07 March, 2023

            Logo vectorization for S'more Love

The owner of a Toronto based S’more kit brand, “S’more Love” approached us with a unique situation. The brand’s logo was originally created on Canva, however the file was not high resolution enough to be used for their upcoming print projects and also had the Canva watermark on the s’more itself.

We were able to take the original low-resolution file and recreate it, producing a vectorized replica of the logo in both a horizonal and vertical orientation + in full colour, black and white allowing for proper brand application in all use case scenarios.

This is an important consideration when creating brand assets, especially one as valuable as your brand logo. As your brand’s needs start to scale, you’ll want to have logo files that can scale too aka a vector version of your logo! Remember to ask your graphic designer for the logo design file so you’ll have access to if for your future needs. You don’t want to be caught in a situation where you’ll need it and you can’t track down the original designer to send you a copy in the future.

Check them out on the gram: S'MORE LOVE